Asia Pacific Lecture Tour Moves Forward

Nov 09

The Alltech Game Changing Team kicked off the third and final leg of Alltech's 24th Asia Pacific Lecture Tour on Monday, November 7th, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, before heading on to Malaysia yesterday for its second stop in Kuala Lumpur. The tour was opened with a video recording by Dr. Pearse Lyons who gave great insight into Alltech and the theme of the tour, "The Game Changers: Creative Concepts for Agribusiness".

The tour, which will stop in 13 countries over 10 days, will visit locations throughout South East Asia, South Asia, China and Japan before concluding in Lahore, Pakistan on Thursday, November 17th.

Dr. Alison Leary

Dr. Alison Leary speaking during the APLT

More than 90 guests listened as Dr. Richard Murphy explained how advances in the field of Nutrigenomics will help us to produce more food for the world's growing population with less feed. Dr. Alison Leary demonstrated how recent technical innovations will help to differentiate your business and ensure optimum performance and profitability in these trying times. Dr. Pearse Lyons showcased the Game Changing Strategies that will be key to advancing the agriculture industry. Via video link, Dr. Lyons informed delegates, "If we want to feed the world we have to work as a team, stretch for world records and embrace new technologies such as Programmed Nutrition, Fiber and Algae. Together, everybody achieves more."

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