Dream The Impossible Dream

类别: 奥特奇年会
五月 25

The final day of the Alltech Symposium came to a close with a challenge set by Dr. Pearse Lyons for the 2,200 global attendees - Dream the Impossible Dream. As Gandhi once said - "Be the change you want to see in the world". Alltech want you to join us in our impossible dream and become the Game Changer of our industry. We have the technology and we have the support to make this happen so we need to act now and aim high.

Dr. Lyons also outlined some of Alltech's plans over the next 18 months including the expansion of our Kentucky, Irish and Belgian facilites and the building of new plants in New Zealand, Georgia and Africa. He also announced our sponsorship of the Alltech National Horse Show which will be held in the Alltech Arena in the Kentucky Horse Park from 2-6 November 2011.

The session aptly concluded with a rendition of 'Dream the Impossible Dream' by Everett McCorvey and the University of Kentucky Opera Theatre students.

What an amazing three days, over 2,200 attendees from 76 countries joined us to become Game Changers in the animal and feed industry. Looking forward to 2012 when Symposium will reconvene on May 20- 23. See you then!


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