Apr 26

The Farming Film Festival Video Contest Wants Your Story

Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

Create a Video - Upload to YouTube - First prize $2,000!

Farmers are facing new challenges every day. They work hard to produce safe and nutritious food for a growing population. But they also have to keep their animals healthy, protect the environment, and pay the bills. All the while, raw material costs are climbing through the roof.


Feb 01

A Grand Finale - Alltech's 26th International Animal Health and Nutrition Industry Symposium

Categories: 农业, 奥特奇年会, 教育
Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post
Dr. Everrett McCorvey sings at the closing session of Alltech's 2010 Symposium

The closing sessions this morning were very exciting. Here is quick overview of some of the great presentations that we saw.



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