Dec 07

How Can Farmers Prepare their Employees for the First Day of School

Categories: 农业, 肉牛, 奶牛, 教育
How Can Farmers Prepare their Employees for the First Day of School Declan Coyle speaking at Global 500

Declan Coyle spoke to the Global 500 audience about building a winning team. No one succeeds with a poor self-image, so the first step to meeting any challenge is creating a positive self-image. This is true whether you are preparing yourself for success or preparing an entire team.

Your team on the farm is no different than any other team. Without a positive self-image team members will not visualize themselves succeeding. Mediocre results will be expected and inevitable.

Coyle illustrated the importance of building your team’s positive self-image.


Nov 09

Asia Pacific Lecture Tour Moves Forward

Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

The Alltech Game Changing Team kicked off the third and final leg of Alltech's 24th Asia Pacific Lecture Tour on Monday, November 7th, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, before heading on to Malaysia yesterday for its second stop in Kuala Lumpur. The tour was opened with a video recording by Dr. Pearse Lyons who gave great insight into Alltech and the theme of the tour, "The Game Changers: Creative Concepts for Agribusiness".


Jul 21

Alltech Young Scientist competition is an eye-opener for Irish student

Categories: 奥特奇校园, 教育
Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post


Jun 13

Mandi McLeod on the Power of Social Media for Agriculture

Categories: 农业, 奥特奇年会, 教育
Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

Dr. Mandi McLeod traveled from her home in New Zealand to speak at our 2011 Symposium in Lexington, Kentucky. She has a wide range of experience as a dairy and agri-business consultant in the dairy industry and has worked in Russia, China, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. She covered disruptive changes in New Zealand's dairy industry and strategies for meeting those challenges.



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