How Can Farmers Prepare their Employees for the First Day of School

类别: 农业, 肉牛, 奶牛, 教育
Dec 07

Declan Coyle spoke to the Global 500 audience about building a winning team. No one succeeds with a poor self-image, so the first step to meeting any challenge is creating a positive self-image. This is true whether you are preparing yourself for success or preparing an entire team.

Your team on the farm is no different than any other team. Without a positive self-image team members will not visualize themselves succeeding. Mediocre results will be expected and inevitable.

Coyle illustrated the importance of building your team’s positive self-image.

"If you dropped your kid off for their very first day of school without building their self-image they would be hanging onto the bumper all the way down the block. You would never do that. You would spend weeks building them up before the first day of school, telling them, ‘You’re going to be such a big boy’ and ‘You will get to see all of your friends’. But that is what we do with our employees all the time."

If we expect our team to succeed we must prepare them for success by giving them a positive self-image and an expectation of success.

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