Oct 01

Dr. Stephen Duren on Equine Nutrition

Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

Steve Elliot of Alltech interviews Dr. Stephen Duren, on the stress that high-performance equine athletes undergo during long-distance transport required for international competition. Such dramatic disturbance to a horse's routine and environment can cause serious equine digestive problems like colic.


Sep 21

Horse Mineral Safety - Preventing Contamination in Trace Minerals

Categories: 动物营养, 马术, , 马营养
Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

Horse Mineral Nutrition

What Are Trace Minerals?

Many horse supplements include trace minerals, really just metals with important biological functions. For horses, the most important trace minerals are: Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Cobalt, Iodine, and Selenium. Trace mineral deficiencies can cause a wide variety of health problems: including, poor hoof and hair condition, bone problems, and blood cell formation issues.


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