Jan 24

Salmonella Control

Salmonella Control

A paper presented by Ducatelle et al of Ghent University presented at the XVII World Veterinary Poultry Association meeting in August 2011 is currently circulating on the web. It is stressed that the paper deals with control of Salmonella in general although extensive reference is made to Salmonella Enteritidis.(SE) infection in egg production.


Jan 24

Six Steps to Profitability at IPE / IFE

Six Steps to Profitability at IPE / IFE

In a few hours the International Poultry Expo / International Feed Expo will be underway. This year Alltech will be presenting 15 minute presentations on important industry topics throughout the trade show. The topics focus on six steps to profitability: feed efficiency, gut health, mycotoxin management, alternative raw materials, starter feeds, and how to add value to meat and eggs.



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