Meeting Marketplace Demands

Jan 20
Meeting Marketplace Demands

There was a great turn out at the Ontario NALT stop for 2012 including students and professors from the University of Guelph, and of course valued customers of Alltech Ontario. NALT 2012 gave us the opportunity to express our gratitude to both the master’s and PhD students at the University of Guelph who are doing research on behalf of Alltech.

Having an excellent group of speakers generated a lot of great conversation and got the audience thinking about possibilities… and of course solutions.  Among the exceptional list of speakers was the Director of National Accounts, Jim Bannerman, who gave an exceptional talk on Programmed Nutrition, which left the crowd fascinated and generated an interesting Q&A session.

NALT stop at OntarioProgrammed Nutrition will be the fundamental change in animal nutrition. Having the ability to alter gene expression in livestock will give the solutions that the market place is now beginning to demand. With advantages like less cook loss, better color, less drip loss, increased tenderness and flavor and most importantly lower costs (or at worst cost neutral), there is significant advantages to using programmed nutrition. Alltech is continuing to be a leader in innovation in animal health and nutrition… don’t get left behind!

- Christina Couture, Alltech Canada

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