Dec 08

Minimizing Mineral Waste and Maximizing Nutrition

Categories: 农业, 肉牛, 奶牛, 有机矿物
Minimizing Mineral Waste and Maximizing Nutrition Kate Jacques, Alltech’s Director of Nutrition

Kate Jacques is Alltech’s Director of Nutrition. She spoke to beef producers today at Global 500 about the importance of minimizing mineral waste. Trace minerals are unusual in the world of nutrients. They are essential for health and importance but they are only required in very small volumes and in some cases can be detrimental in excessive quantities.


Dec 08

From Farm to Spoon at Chaney’s Dairy Barn

Categories: 农业, 动物营养, 奶牛
Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

Why I could not wait to start my ice cream business

Chaney Dairy Fram - Miss GlimmerCarl Chaney spoke to the dairy session at Global 500 today. The Chaneys saved their family farm a few years ago by expanding into ice cream production and opening “Chaney’s Dairy Barn” a homemade ice cream shop and restaurant.


Dec 08

The Demand for Dairy and the Demands on Dairy Farmers

Categories: 农业, 动物营养, 奶牛
The Demand for Dairy and the Demands on Dairy Farmers Paul Gardner, Milk Upstream/Groupe Danone

Paul Gardner is responsible for all Milk & Dairy Ingredient purchasing for the Danone Worldwide Dairy Division. He kicked off today’s dairy session at Global 500 speaking on dairy demand.

Globally Danone purchase 3 billion dollars of milk each year. As head of purchasing, Gardner has first-hand experience with price volatility, one of the primary challenges for the dairy industry.


Dec 07

How Can Farmers Prepare their Employees for the First Day of School

Categories: 农业, 肉牛, 奶牛, 教育
How Can Farmers Prepare their Employees for the First Day of School Declan Coyle speaking at Global 500

Declan Coyle spoke to the Global 500 audience about building a winning team. No one succeeds with a poor self-image, so the first step to meeting any challenge is creating a positive self-image. This is true whether you are preparing yourself for success or preparing an entire team.

Your team on the farm is no different than any other team. Without a positive self-image team members will not visualize themselves succeeding. Mediocre results will be expected and inevitable.

Coyle illustrated the importance of building your team’s positive self-image.



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