Jan 24

Six Steps to Profitability at IPE / IFE

Six Steps to Profitability at IPE / IFE

In a few hours the International Poultry Expo / International Feed Expo will be underway. This year Alltech will be presenting 15 minute presentations on important industry topics throughout the trade show. The topics focus on six steps to profitability: feed efficiency, gut health, mycotoxin management, alternative raw materials, starter feeds, and how to add value to meat and eggs.


Oct 11

Simon Shane Recounts Alltech Epigenetics Seminar

Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

Following is a guest post by Dr. Simon Shane, originally posted on his website, egg-cite.com.


Oct 10

Poultry Epigenetics - Bird Health, Productivity and Product Quality

Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

Alltech's Poultry Epigenetics Seminar took place in Dunboyne, Ireland today. The event was attended by over 130 poultry nutritionists and professionals, who came to hear how epigenetics can help us learn to feed poultry to their true genetic potential.

A survey of the attendees showed that:


Sep 22

Mark Fitzsimmons on Food Choices

Alltech Blog Post Alltech Blog Post

Feeding the World - Which World?



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